Great news guys! 

It came in the mail yesterday, and it is official! I am a registered American Quarter Horse!! Some of you may not be familiar with the process, however many horse owners know that this is an important step to adding to your horses value as well as their safety. Why is registration a safety concern? In the event that I got away from my people and they couldn't find me, they could use my papers to show proof of ownership or positive identification. It never hurts to have a paper trail. Especially if you are working with safety officials who are not familiar with horses.

For those of you that do not have horses eligible to be registered with a breed registry, a simple coggins test and three profile pictures of your equine companion can provide the same protection. Other ways of identifying your horse include: Lip Tattoos (most common in thoroughbreds), Branding (Hot Iron or Freeze), Microchipping, Tags hung on halters, and in natural disasters painting your phone number on your horses side. 

It is never a bad idea to have a way to identify and regain your equine companion in the case that you become separated! 

Stay safe in this crazy weather and protect your horse today! 

Praying for warmer temperatures.

Look what I can do!
Hey ya'll!

Number one, I can't even tell time, but for good measure -seriously- who can find the time to sit down now-a-days. After all I am too busy growing and playing in the field! Just recently the girls led me and mom down to the front field. Let me tell you it is SO big. The first thing I just had to try was to run the entire field. Well let's just say it was a little bit bigger than I thought. But if I wait until mom is on the other side of the field I get to practice running as hard as I can over to her. But that is just what has happened in the past three days! 

About a month ago that "Furrier" fella was at the barn again, but this time he started picking up my feet and playing with my legs. Mom didn't seem too worried, in fact she basically rolled her eyes when I cried to her, but I really don't like that guy picking up my back legs. Still he was nice enough to rub my head when he left. He called me "buhddy," that must mean that we are best friends!! 

The girls took pictures the other day for some kind of "regiztrashon" thingy. Mom is registered too and said that my daddy was also. So I made sure to pose for the camera so that everyone would know how proud I was to get to be a registered American Quarter Horse!

Stay cool guys, 
Hey guys!
I'm real sorry that I haven't posted for a while, but it's been crazy around here! 

Mom said that today was a special day, and it must have been because the whole family stayed home all day long!  At first I thought Mom was just talking about me getting older, but then she told me about Memorial Day. She said it was a day when we all should be thankful for those who served our country to protect the freedoms that we all cherish. And boy am I thankful I get to run and play in the grass all day long!

Mom even said several of my great great great grandfathers knew of horses that fought for our country too. And still today the horses of the "Old Guard" participate in the special ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery. I found some great information about Memorial day here: A Memorial Day Thank You to the Men, Women and Animals  Who Have Served

It's about my bed time so I will have to go. Thank you SO much to everybody who has served our country!


PictureFoal meets Farrier
What a wonderful day it was! 

First of all last night those girls put this jingly thing on my head. It matches mom's, but I can't get a hold of it like I can her's! 

This morning I woke up and mom got a pedicure. The man was really nice and even petted me on the head, I made a new friend! One day when I get older mom said I would get to have my feet trimmed too, but I have to stand really still. Trouble is right now, I have enough energy for FOUR whole horses, so she said we are going to have to work on that! 

I have gotten tall enough now that I can reach the big kid bucket and even peer out of the stall! My girls said something about putting a brick on my head, but with this "haultur" on I can't balance anything else! I just keep getting taller and stronger everyday! Running across the field sure has helped out during my daily workouts!

Gotta Run!

~ Hank

Thanks to: 
Royle Scrogham 
Horseshoeing and Trimming Service
Waddy, KY 

Hey Y'all! 

My girls keep talking about this Muhders Day thing and saying that they have to make sure that their mom has the best day to show her how much they luhve her! Well I think my momma is the BEST!! Yeah, she pushes me around in the field and doesn't let me run all alone but she just doesn't want me to have all the fun by myself!! I've been thinking about what to give her and practiced all day learning how to give her a hug. So tomorrow I am gonna rear up and give momma a BIG ole hug right around the neck! What present could be better?!? 

Hug your Muhders!

~ Hank 
Here's a picture of my wonderful Momma! Those people call her Tinker!
Hey guys! 

My names Hank ... or so they tell me! These people are really nice, but boy do they pick on me when I get to nibbling on their arms every time they start-a-scratchin' on me! 

Bout a week ago all I knew were these four solid walls, a fluffy bed of straw and my very own water bucket to play in! But about 4 days ago they pushed me into this real big stall - and mom says I can even run when I'm in there!! 

But wait! It get's SO much better just a few days ago my two girls (mom let's them babysit me while she eats dinner) they pushed me outta that biggest stall and boy did my feet get wet! They called it "muhd" but boy it was sticky! Mom showed me around this big green field and we ran and played all afternoon long! 

Anyways its just about nap time and I need to rest up before my girls come play with me! 

~ Hank 


    Just a colt growing up in the rolling hills of the bluegrass. In the state where thoroughbreds define the most exciting 2 minutes in sports I'm here to show you just how special us Quarter Horses are! 


    May 2013


    Memorial Day