Great news guys! 

It came in the mail yesterday, and it is official! I am a registered American Quarter Horse!! Some of you may not be familiar with the process, however many horse owners know that this is an important step to adding to your horses value as well as their safety. Why is registration a safety concern? In the event that I got away from my people and they couldn't find me, they could use my papers to show proof of ownership or positive identification. It never hurts to have a paper trail. Especially if you are working with safety officials who are not familiar with horses.

For those of you that do not have horses eligible to be registered with a breed registry, a simple coggins test and three profile pictures of your equine companion can provide the same protection. Other ways of identifying your horse include: Lip Tattoos (most common in thoroughbreds), Branding (Hot Iron or Freeze), Microchipping, Tags hung on halters, and in natural disasters painting your phone number on your horses side. 

It is never a bad idea to have a way to identify and regain your equine companion in the case that you become separated! 

Stay safe in this crazy weather and protect your horse today! 

Praying for warmer temperatures.


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    Just a colt growing up in the rolling hills of the bluegrass. In the state where thoroughbreds define the most exciting 2 minutes in sports I'm here to show you just how special us Quarter Horses are! 


    May 2013


    Memorial Day