PictureFoal meets Farrier
What a wonderful day it was! 

First of all last night those girls put this jingly thing on my head. It matches mom's, but I can't get a hold of it like I can her's! 

This morning I woke up and mom got a pedicure. The man was really nice and even petted me on the head, I made a new friend! One day when I get older mom said I would get to have my feet trimmed too, but I have to stand really still. Trouble is right now, I have enough energy for FOUR whole horses, so she said we are going to have to work on that! 

I have gotten tall enough now that I can reach the big kid bucket and even peer out of the stall! My girls said something about putting a brick on my head, but with this "haultur" on I can't balance anything else! I just keep getting taller and stronger everyday! Running across the field sure has helped out during my daily workouts!

Gotta Run!

~ Hank

Thanks to: 
Royle Scrogham 
Horseshoeing and Trimming Service
Waddy, KY 


    Just a colt growing up in the rolling hills of the bluegrass. In the state where thoroughbreds define the most exciting 2 minutes in sports I'm here to show you just how special us Quarter Horses are! 


    May 2013


    Memorial Day