PictureI'm still perfecting my mud-covering technique!
Hi everyone! I can't believe it's been over a year since I last checked in with you guys. I've been going through some awkward growth spurts lately, or at least that's what my humans say. They also say I'm really smart (but I coulda told them that!).

Anyway, back to point - are you aware of this thing the humans call mud? It's a wonderful thing! Sure, they get all grumpy when it rains, and slop around in their weird shoes, but I've decided that mud is literally the BEST THING EVER! 

If you really want to watch your human squirm, go out and find the largest puddle or mud patch in the field and roll in it. Don't be shy - the more mud you're covered in, the better! And when your human comes out to bring you in for the night, make sure you share your mud with them by rubbing on their clean shirt and stomping in nearby puddles. 

Proof that I've always loved mud, even before I knew what it was!
Besides bringing joy to both you and your now-covered human, mud also has other great benefits: 
  • Has your human recently decided to put those weird metal things on your feet? If you find the right mud patch that's sticky enough, it will pull those right off! (or so I'm told by the pasture leaders.)
  • When you're mud coat dries, your human will desperately want to make you clean again. Perfect excuse for a long grooming session and free massage for you! 

Oh, and did I mention that I'm three now? I don't know exactly what that means, but the humans have been talking more about "breaking" me. According to big brother Ted, that means more work on my part. I guess I'll have to use my smarts to figure out a way around that! 

Well, time's a wastin! Better go romp in the mud before it dries up again. See ya later, friends! 

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    Just a colt growing up in the rolling hills of the bluegrass. In the state where thoroughbreds define the most exciting 2 minutes in sports I'm here to show you just how special us Quarter Horses are! 


    May 2013


    Memorial Day