Happy New Year Guys! 

   So from what I heard around the barn, supposedly we all just got another year older! But that does not make sense, especially since I was just born 8 months ago! Here's what I learned ... since our people have so many horses to keep up with a few of the "higher-ups" designated that January 1st serve as a all-encompassing birthday for horses. This originally was passed down from the Jockey Club, which regulates the thoroughbred industry. All the other breeds just kind of followed suit. Which makes sense to me, because I'm basically a thoroughbred myself! That is if the only requirement is to run fast! 
Anyways, I am sure y'all have been wondering what has been going on up on this hill that I call home! For the most part, it has been a whole lot of snow and mud! Worst part is that it has been so cold some nights that my people gave me extra hay just so I could stay warm! Even in this big stall with all the barn doors closed it still gets a little chilly when the wind blows. I know I am not the only one that's cold, I can barely see my people's faces for all of the clothes they have on! 

I can't wait until the grass comes back! But until then, this Alfalfa tastes great! 

Catch ya on the flip side!

1/17/2014 10:38:55 am

I didn't know that all horses technically had their birthdays on the 1st! I learn something new everyday.

1/17/2014 10:57:00 am

Hey Aggiedoc! Thanks for your comment! Here in the great state of Kentucky Keeneland plays a vital role in horse history. Go check out what they have to say about their Thoroughbreds!


Hope to hear from you soon!
~ Hank


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    Just a colt growing up in the rolling hills of the bluegrass. In the state where thoroughbreds define the most exciting 2 minutes in sports I'm here to show you just how special us Quarter Horses are! 


    May 2013


    Memorial Day