Hey there! I know, I know...long time and no blog. The humans say I've gone through some rough growth spurts since last Spring and don't seem to be willing to take as many pictures of me lately. Speaking of Spring...I don't know about you, but this guy is counting down the days till the warmer weather! Only 72 more days! (You can follow the countdown here: http://days.to/spring/2015)

Lately I haven't been able to run around the field and play with my buddies because of the rain and mud, or so the humans say. I like the mud - especially rolling in it! They don't seem to be too thrilled when I come in at night covered head to hoof. 

Fortunately I did get to go outside today, and my new pal Dusty joined me. I don't think he likes me much, but I'll slowly win him over. He and I have a new game we play called Halter Smack. Whoever gets the other's halter off the fastest wins. The humans don't seem to like this either. Oh well! 

Now they say this week it's supposed to be in the single digits. I don't know what that means, but I know it's getting colder! Lucky for me, I have a pretty thick hair coat. Hopefully it won't get so cold that the humans keep me in my stall.  

Winter weather can mean that us horses can get sick a little easier though. Make sure you do the following things to avoid a dreadful visit from that person they call the vet:
  • Drink LOTS of water, even if it's ice cold! (You can paw at the bucket or water tank to draw your human's attention to the frozen water. They'll usually huff about it, but they'll replace it. 
  • Clean up your hay, and beg for more when your human is near! Good hay gives us more energy, and energy helps us stay warm. Or so I'm told. 
  • If there's icy stuff falling from the sky, run to the barn or shed! Trust me, having this cold stuff freeze on your back and sides is no fun!

And if your humans want more tips, there are plenty of good cold-weather horse care tips and resources available on TheHorse.com

Well, I hear the door opening...must be time for more hay! Gotta run. 

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    Just a colt growing up in the rolling hills of the bluegrass. In the state where thoroughbreds define the most exciting 2 minutes in sports I'm here to show you just how special us Quarter Horses are! 


    May 2013


    Memorial Day